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Site HistoryHere is the complete history of this web site (excluding recent updates which are here). (19/3/19) Adverts Removed
The site is now totally ad free. The adverts have no produced any revenue for a long time so we have decided to completely remove them.
(10/2/11) Site Changes Domain
The domain name used to access this site has now changed to with immediate effect. All bookmarks should be updated as the old domain name is no longer active.
(10/2/11) Guestbook removed due to SPAM
Despite our SPAM control measures, virtually all entries in the guestbook where either SPAM related or irrelevant so we have decided to remove the guestbook all together.
(12/2/10) Site Moves Server
We have again moved the site onto a different web host. We have taken the opportunity to update a few things that are no longer active or relevant, but other than that you should expect the same high quality web site you always have got.
(23/1/07) SPAM Control Measures
We have modified both the guestbook and contact pages to try to reduce the level of SPAM. The guestbook was full of SPAM entries so we hope the new measures will reduce this. Unfortunately we have lost all the guestbook entries made in 2006 as a result of SPAM so if your entry has been lost then please so sign the guestbook again.
(14/2/05) Site Launched
Halle Berry Online is officially launched featuring the following content:-Online Shop, 525 Pictures, 12 Wallpapers, 5 Video Clips, News, Biography, Filmography, Guestbook, Feedback, Links, Site History, Credits, Contact Form, Donation Page and Membership Page. |
Please visit our sister site:
Home of Supermodel and TV personality, Tyra Banks |